Se puede descargar mi curriculum completo aquí.
2023 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Coyotes, caravans, and the Central American migrant smuggling continuum.” Trends in Organized Crime.
2023 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Interview with Tomás Ayuso, Honduran Photographer, Journalist, and Storyteller”. Istmo. Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos, 44 (2022): 151-161.
2022 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Particular Social Group Trouble: Producing Categories of ‘Unworthy’ Asylum Seekers.” Annals of Anthropological
2020 Frank-Vitale, Amelia, and Juan José Martínez d’Aubuisson. “The Generation of the Coup: Honduran Youth at Risk and of Risk.” The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 25, no. 4: 552–68.
2020 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Such a Thing as the American Dream: On Immigration, Affect, and the Election of Donald Trump.” Public
Anthropologist 2 (2): 158–76.
2020 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Stuck in Motion: Inhabiting the Space of Transit in Central American Migration,” The Journal of Latin American and
Caribbean Anthropology 25, no. 1: 67–83,
2020 Frank-Vitale, Amelia, and Margarita Nuñez Chaim. “‘Lady Frijoles’: Las Caravanas Centroamericanas y El Poder de La Hípervisibilidad de La
Migración Indocumentada.” EntreDiversidades. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 7 (1 (14)): 37–61.
2019 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Rolling the Windows Up: On (Not) Researching Violence and Strategic Distance.” Geopolitics 26, no. 1: 139–58.
2023 Díaz de León, Andrea, John Doering-White, Deniz Daşer, Amelia Frank-Vitale, and José Enrique Hasemann Lara. “Policy Brief: Ill Health,
Climate Change, and Migration in Honduras, Mexico, and the United States.” The Migration Initiative of Toronto Metropolitan University,
January 26, 2023.
2022 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Writer’s Block” In “Taking Note: Complexities and Ambiguities in Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes,” American
Ethnologist website, 26 August 2022.
2021 Heidbrink, Lauren, and Amelia Frank-Vitale. “Development Aid: A ‘Root Cause’ of Child Migration.” Migration Policy and Practice Vol. XI,
Number 2 (September 2021): 21–25.
2021 Heidbrink, Lauren, and Amelia Frank-Vitale. “Ayuda al desarrollo: una causa fundamental de la migración de menores.” Contra Corriente.
September 30, 2021.
2020 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Sirens and Birds and Death: On (Not) Writing A Dissertation During a Pandemic.” In “Pandemic Diaries,” Gabriela
Manley, Bryan M. Dougan, and Carole McGranahan, eds., American Ethnologist website, April 23, 2020.
2020 Shorack, Marna, Elizabeth G. Kennedy, and Amelia Frank-Vitale. “A State of Mistrust.” NACLA Report on the Americas 52 (4): 404–9.
November 4, 2020.
2020 Frank-Vitale, Amelia and Sandra Ivett Amador Mazariegos. “Deportación, Inseguridad, y la Migración Circular en Honduras.” Facultad
Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. 1 ed. pp 14. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 2020.
2019 Frank-Vitale, Amelia, Wendy Vogt, and Martha Balaguera. “AMLO’s Political Prisoners: Mexico’s Move to Criminalize Accompaniment and
Solidarity with Migrants in Transit.” Border Criminologies, September 6, 2019.
2019 Frank-Vitale, Amelia and Blanca Cordero. “The Crime of Migrant Accompaniment?” Anthropology News Website, July 15, 2019.
2019 Frank-Vitale, Amelia and Arelí Palomo. “Caravan Migrant Roots.” Linea84: Periodismo Etnográfico y Acción Comunitaria, May 11, 2019.
2019 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “The Caravan Is Honduras: Hope and Death at the Border.” In Behind the Migrant Caravan: Ethnographic Updates from
Central America. HotSpots. Cultural Anthropology.
2018 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “De caravana a éxodo, de migración a movimiento.” Contra Corriente, November 28, 2018.
2018 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “From Caravan to Exodus, From Migration to Movement.” NACLA Report on the Americas, November 20, 2018.
2018 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Regreso a casa: La vida después de la deportación a Honduras.” Contra Corriente, July 17, 2018.
2018 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Home in Honduras: Snapshots of Life after Deportation.” World Policy Journal 35, no. 2 (June 1, 2018): 112–17.
2017 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “On the Honduran Election and Its Aftermath/Sobre Las Elecciones En Honduras y Sus Secuelas.” Youth Circulations,
December 11, 2017.
2021 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “‘Better in Jail There than Dead Here’: Deportation, Migration, and Violence in Honduras.” In Migration and Mortality:
Social Death, Dispossession, and Survival in the Americas. Edited by Jamie Longazel and Miranda Cady Hallett. Philadelphia: Temple
University Press, 2021.
2017 Doering-White, John, Amelia Frank-Vitale, and Jason De León. “Chapter 4: Central America.” In Fatal Journeys Volume 3 Part 2: Improving
Data on Missing Migrants. International Organization for Migration, 2017.
2015 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “‘Fui Migrante y Me Hospedaron’: The Catholic Church’s Responses to Violence Against Central American Migrants in
Mexico.” In Religious Responses to Violence: Human Rights in Latin America Past and Present, edited by Alexander Wilde. Notre Dame:
University of Notre Dame Press, 2015.
2021 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Migranthood: Youth in a New Era of Deportation by Lauren Heidbrink (Review).” Anthropological Quarterly 94, no. 2
(2021): 345–49.
2020 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Book Review: Asylum for Sale: Profit and Protest in the Migration Industry. Edited by Siobhán McGuirk and Adrienne
Pine. Oakland: PM Press, 2020. pp 343.” Antipode.
2019 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Book Review: Exiled Home: Salvadoran Transnational Youth in the Aftermath of Violence. By Susan Bibler Coutin.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2016. pp 288.” Border Criminologies.
2013 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “Book Review: ‘Zapotecs on the Move: Cultural, Social, and Political Processes in Transnational Perspective. By Adriana
Cruz-Manjarrez. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2013. pp 249.’” International Migration Review 49, no. 1 (2015): 266–67.
2021 Frank-Vitale, Amelia and Lauren Heidbrink. “The Real Root Cause of Central American Migration.” In These Times.
2019 Martínez d’Aubuisson, Juan José and Amelia Frank-Vitale. “On Covering San Pedro Sula and Why Global Media Outlets Will Always
Dangerously Get It Wrong.” Latino Rebels, May 24, 2019.
2019 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “You Want to See a Real Emergency, Mr. President? Visit Me in Honduras.” Washington Post. February 16, 2019.
2018 Frank-Vitale, Amelia. “I Live in Honduras, Where People Are in Constant Fear of Being Murdered. It’s No Wonder They Join Caravans.” Fortune,
November 23, 2018.